Understanding Predatory Contract for Deed

July 18, 2024
16:00 - 18:00
1600 E Lake St Suite 1, Minneapolis, MN 55407

Event Description: ISUROON is inviting you to attend an information-sharing and community discussion about the predatory lending practice known as the “Contract for Deed.” Our Somali community is particularly targeted, and if we do not take action, this practice will have a huge ripple effect on our community.


  • Overview of Contract for Deed and how it works
  • Discussion on how this practice affects our community
  • Sharing real-life stories and experiences
  • Strategies for protecting ourselves and our community from predatory lending
  • Q&A session

Why Attend?

  • Learn about the risks associated with Contract for Deed agreements.
  • Gain knowledge to protect yourself and your loved ones from predatory lending.
  • Connect with community members and advocates working to address this issue.

Join us to stand together and protect our community from predatory lending practices. Your participation and voice are crucial in making a difference.

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