HUD Counseling

As a HUD certified Local Housing Counseling Agency (LHCA), Isuroon offers the following types of housing counseling:

    • Rental counseling
    • Pre-purchase Counseling and homebuyer education
    • Financial, Budgeting, and credit workshops
    • Predatory lending workshops
    • Fair Housing workshops


Our certified housing counselors will help you understand the process of buying a house from start to finish, without any cost to you. In our 1 on 1 pre-purchase counseling, you and your counselor will complete a budget and financial assessment that includes a review of your credit report to identify possible barriers. We will also help you determine the amount you can actually afford and explain how much you need to save for downpayment and closing costs.

Not sure where to start? No problem. Give us a call or come in to our Minneapolis office and speak with one of our certified housing counselors. We are here to answer all of your questions, guide, and support you with all of your housing needs and goals.

It is the policy and practice of Isuroon not to discriminate against any person because of that person’s race, color, religious creed, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, source of income, disability, medical condition, or age. As required by law and upheld by our organizational mission and values, we agree to take the affirmative steps needed to further fair housing.

For any questions and inquiries please contact:  Email us on:

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